Angela Coddington has been attending First Baptist Church for 40 years and has been the Office Manager at First Baptist Church (FBC) for the past 19 years. She attended Christian Schools while living in So. California so when her family moved to Oregon and her father had a choice to live in Medford or Grants Pass, he chose Medford specifically because of Grace Christian School. She started in the 5th grade in 1977 and graduated from Cascade Christian High School in 1984. Her father was a former school board member of GCS/CCHS and has passed on to her the passion for Christian Education. She has been married to Kevin (retired firefighter) for 37 years and has two children, both of whom attended Grace and Cascade from PreK – 12. Nate graduated in 2010 and spent 7 years living in Chile and is currently living in Australia. Mikayla graduated in 2013, is married, and currently lives in The Netherlands with her husband, Marten. Angela is very active in ministry at FBC, is an avid reader and is becoming more of a traveler as she visits her children.